2014ko ekainak 21an, Aaron Ecay-ek idatzi zuen: [...]
>> Eventually, if you insist on writing your full preamble within the >> document, you can start to write it in a LaTeX-mode buffer, copy it in >> your Org document and add "#+LATEX_HEADER: " in front of each line. >> This last step is done easily with `string-rectangle' (C-x r t). > > This is basically making the user do (something like) org-edit-special > manually. It can probably be automated somewhat – I’ll work on a > patch. This is now implemented in a new library in contrib, ox-extras. This is intended as a semi-official, semi-curated repository for helpful pieces of org export hooks and customizations. Differently than worg, the aim is to make it easy for users to load the snippets through the ox-extras-activate function. Even so, I hope this will be an “executable wiki” where anyone (who has commit access to the org repo) is free to contribute new hook functions and improve existing ones. In the present case, if you execute (ox-extras-activate '(latex-header-blocks)) you will be able to use blocks of the following form: #+header: :header yes #+begin_latex \foo{} \bar{} #+end_latex These will be transformed so that the begin/end wrapper is removed and each line is prepended with #+latex_header: on export. They can be edited as latex code with the usual org-edit-special function (C-c '). The #+header: :header yes line is a bit confusing. The first #+header: is part of org syntax that allows us to tag blocks (and other elements) with plists. The :header yes in the plist indicates that this block should be treated as a latex_header, and not a normal type of latex block. Thanks, -- Aaron Ecay