Hi all,

Maybe this already exists in org, but I needed a function that looks at all the image links, signals if the link is broken or not, copies the files into a folder and relinks it.

Comments and crits are greatly appreciated, I started coding elisp 2 weeks ago, so any and all pointers and tips are welcome.

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(defcustom sndr-assets-dir nil
"the directory org linked assets are moved to, do not forget trailing slash..."
:type '(string)

(defun sndr-assets-package()
"finds file links and moves them to a dir specified, or ./assets , relative to the org file"
(let (p0 p1)
  (goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward-regexp "\\[\\[\\([^][]+\\)\\]\\(\\[\\([^][]+\\)\\]\\)?\\]" nil t)
    (match-beginning 1)
    (setq p0 (match-beginning 1))
    (setq p1 (match-end 1))
    (sndr-link-check-and-move p0 p1)

(defun sndr-link-check-and-move (p0 p1)
"gets a buffer section, checks if it is a file, moves the file to a dir specified (or ./assets) and updates the buffer accordingly"
  (let (file newdir newfile)
    (setq file (buffer-substring-no-properties p0 p1 ))
    (file-exists-p file)
(setq newdir (or sndr-assets-dir (concat (file-name-directory buffer-file-name) "assets/")))
    (setq newfile (concat newdir(file-name-nondirectory file)))
    (if (not (file-exists-p newdir))
      (make-directory newdir t))
    (if (file-exists-p file)
        (if (not(file-exists-p newfile)) (copy-file file newfile))
        (goto-char p0)
        (delete-region p0 p1)
        (insert newfile)
        (goto-char p0)
        (delete-region p0 p1)
        (insert (concat "BROKEN#" file "#BROKEN"))

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