Given the following table and source block:
#+TBLNAME: sample-table
|     n |       2**n |       3**n |
|   <5> |       <10> |       <10> |
|     1 |          2 |          3 |
|     2 |          4 |          9 |

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data=sample-table :tangle yes

After tangling the code block, the formatting strings are there.  Okay,
the <a 
clearly states that /Lines which only contain these formatting cookies
will be removed automatically when exporting the document/, and I've
*tangled*, not *exported*.  But, should not the same happen when tangling?
Moreover, it is done with <a
href="";>horizontal lines</a>,
<a href="";>column names</a>,
and <a href="";>row names</a>.

I'm using org-mode version 7.8.11 from the GIT repository (updated
yesterday release_7.8.11-505-g952d72), and Emacs 23.2.1.  I have
tested with some of the other formatting strings (alignment, <l>, <c>
and <r>) with the same results.

  - Luis Muñiz

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