Julian Gehring writes:
> Hi Chuck,
> thanks, what you describe seems to me like a already quite elaborated
> solution. I would be very interested in your existing implementation
> for this.
> As you mentioned, there will probably have to be a trade-off between
> the syntax/functionality of O
Hi Chuck,
thanks, what you describe seems to me like a already quite elaborated
solution. I would be very interested in your existing implementation
for this.
As you mentioned, there will probably have to be a trade-off between the
syntax/functionality of Org-mode/babel and Sweave. But alr
Julian Gehring writes:
> Hi,
> is there a way to convert Org-mode files with R code blocks to the
> Sweave ('*.Rnw') [1] file format or has anyone planned to work on
> this?
First, there is this thread:
and then there is this
is there a way to convert Org-mode files with R code blocks to the
Sweave ('*.Rnw') [1] file format or has anyone planned to work on this?
Sweave is heavily used in the R community in terms of literate
programming, and has a tight integration into current package building
workflows. Ess