Hello all,

Given the following folder structure
of my "notebooks" folder:

   |__ index.org
   |__ index.org

I would like to create an index
of the following form:

*no* title for index
Date -- [[Title][example.com/post1_name/]]
Date -- [[Title][example.com/post2_name/]]

I have set the following options
in exporting the "notebooks" part
of my website through =org-publish-project-alist=:

>     :sitemap-file-entry-format "%t"
>     :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
>     :auto-sitemap t
>     :sitemap-filename "index.org"
>     :makeindex t
>     :sitemap-sort-files anti-chronologically
>     :recursive t

But this results in a tree structure (as expected) of the form
Sitemap for project website-notebooks (as title)
- Index
- post1_name
      + Title of post in org file post1_name
- post2_name
      + Title of post in org file post2_name

I am not really sure how to go about this
I would really appreciate assistance
in achieving this behaviour
as I am not very well versed in elisp.

Thank you for you time,

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