>> "Nick" == Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:

   > Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
   >> Hello

   > You need to set up auto-mode-alist in your init file:

   > (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist   '("\\.org$" . org-mode))

Ok, I did this 

   >> -  I turned on org-mode and received and error I attach.

   > The error is[fn:1]:

I am sorry, this is also the fault of

Which my default uses this type of attachment, I have to look into it,
how to change it on demand.

   >   command-execute(org-mode t)
   >   execute-extended-command(nil)
   >   call-interactively(execute-extended-command)

   > so xemacs found an outline.el that did not define
   > outline-previous-heading. Check which outline.el xemacs finds with M-x
   > locate-library RET outline RET. It's probably a compiled file, but the
   > corresponding outline.el should be in the same directory, or you might 
need to
   > get a source package with the xemacs .el files to find it. Check what 
   > it is, compare it with the emacs version, check whether it includes
   > outline-previous-heading (probably not, hence the error).

The issue is that org-7 shipped its own outline version for org mode
called noutline, I don't know why it disappear, so I simply copied
noutline into the org-8 directory added a 
(require 'noutline)
to org.el 

And run make again, now org, works, at least partially.
I will CC to xemacs-beta about the outline.el version, because the one
shipped in the pkg xemacs-base is very old. No I better open a new
thread there.

   >> -  I tried to use org-preview-latex-fragment and received a
   >> different error (also attached)

   > The error here:

   > Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function face-at-point)
   >   face-at-point()

   > Presumably xemacs does not have face-at-point.

Yes and this is a problem. I presume this function is new in GNU emacs 24?

   >> -  I tried to use org-submit-bug-report and received third error.

   > Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function call-process-shell-command)
   >   call-process-shell-command("command" nil nil nil "-v" "x11idle")

   > and it does not seem to have call-process-shell-command. This is
   > a thin wrapper around call-process (which xemacs should have), so
   > this should be easy to port.

Ok I ask in xemacs-beta

Thanks for your help.


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