Hi all,

Would someone have a chunk of config to share for the Gnus/Org integration?

I'm using Gnus for years, with a very high level of satisfaction, and Org for
a bit less, with even more satisfaction -- yes, more than "very high" is
possible ;-)

What I didn't use yet was the integration of both: linking onto a Gnus
hyperlink and getting to that email. Though, when doing it, now, I experience
the following problem:

- a new frame is opened

  Besides that I more or less hate frames, it becomes annoying when used in my
  StumpWM config: I now have *two* Emacs full screen, and I loose my "single
  window of control" view.

- a new buffer is opened (group where the mail belongs to), but it takes ages
  (in minutes) for the mail to be found and opened -- when it is.

I'm not sure what I've to fiddle with. Maybe using gnus-registry for the
second point?

Anyway, if someone would be kind enough to share his current working config, I
would try digging and comparing the versions to find the explicit root of the

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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