This is a follow upon my earlier posts in the following threads:

[1] 'Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2'
[2] Composingletters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc clas'

I am attaching four files
- org-latex-generic.el
- org-letter-utils.el 
- org-scrlttr2.el
- org-isodoc.el

Functionality is easily explained by usage rather than by words.

Usage Notes:

1. Load libraries
   - (require 'isodoc)
   - (require 'scrlttr2)

2. C-x C-f 'sample-letter.scrlttr2' and/or 'sample-isodoc.isodoc'. File
   extensions are important and they are indicative of the LaTeX classes
   targetted for export.

3. You will be offered a Org outline structure. Fill in the same. In the
   'To' address field you have an option just to insert a bbdb link as
   opposed to the whole address.

   Remember to fill in the LCO file for scrlttr2 and style file for

4. Do a C-c C-e l or C-c C-e d.

5. See that your letter is nicely exported.

6. YMMV.

Additional Notes:

Files have helpful docstring. Core functionality is in
org-latex-generic-sectioning. Rest all are bells and whistles.

,----[ C-h f org-latex-generic-sectioning RET ]
| org-latex-generic-sectioning is a Lisp function in
| `org-latex-generic.el'.
| (org-latex-generic-sectioning LEVEL HEADING)
| Rules for emitting Org headings as LaTeX fragments.
| Currently a heading could be configured to start a LaTeX
| environment, emit a LaTeX command, set optional arguments (with
| heading as key and entry body as value) and mandatory
| arguments. See `org-latex-generic-scrlttr2-sectioning-alist' and
| `org-latex-generic-isodoc-sectioning-alist'. 
| [back]

Watch Out For:

1. Have no empty lines in .scrlttr2/.isodoc file. If that doesn't help
   remove it from the generated tex file.

   I have a strong reason to believe org-latex.el is generating
   extraneous newlines in (org-export-latex-subcontent ...) at line 1029
   or thereabouts.

2. Have no commas in the bbdb address field. C-h f
   org-letter-utils-bbdb-export is probably not upto the task.

3. Remove \date directive in the isodoc tex file.

4. Also see FIXME notes in the org-latex-generic.el

Implementation Notes:

The key idea is to mirror the LaTeX commands in terms of Org
headlines. Start with C-h f org-latex-generic-sectioning for further
exploring. Try mapping the headline structure of .scrlttr2/.isodoc file
with the corresponding tex file and compare it against the settings of
of different variables in the org-scrlttr2.el/org-isodoc.el


Jambunathan K.


(require 'org)
(require 'org-latex)

(defvar org-latex-classes nil)

(defvar org-latex-generic-sectioning-config
  '(alist :tag "Org LaTeX Generic Known Headings"
          (string :tag "heading")
           (const :tag "environment" env)                 
           (const :tag "var" var)
           (const :tag "command" cmd)
           (const :tag "command-with-options" cmd-with-opt)              
           (const :tag "options" optarg)
           (const :tag "option" option)
           (const :tag "arg" arg)
           (const :tag "text" text))))

(define-minor-mode org-latex-generic-mode
  "Fill an empty file with Org outline tree for easy editing.
The extension of the file serves as an indication of the target
LaTeX class."
  nil " LaTex Generic" nil

  (let ((class (file-name-extension buffer-file-name)))

    ;; FIXME: These should be buffer local variables for various
    ;; generic classes to coexist. For now have them as global.

    ;; The main problem is that sectioning callback happens with tex
    ;; file as current buffer and not the original org file in which
    ;; these variables are set.

    (setq org-latex-generic-class class
           (intern (format "org-latex-generic-%s-setup" class)))

           (intern (format "org-latex-generic-%s-template" class)))

           (intern (format "org-latex-generic-%s-sectioning-alist" class))))

    (when (= (point-min) (point-max))
      (insert org-latex-generic-setup)

(defun org-latex-generic-insert-template (&optional template level)
  "Inserts an Org outline structure for the user to fill in.
See `org-latex-generic-isodoc-template' and
`org-latex-generic-scrlttr2-template' for example."

  (setq template (or template org-latex-generic-template))
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (setq level (or level 1))
  (dolist (e template)
    (if (not (listp e))
        (insert  "\n" (make-string level ?*) " " e "\n")
      (org-latex-generic-insert-template e (+ level 1)))))

(defun org-latex-generic-sectioning (level heading)
  "Rules for emitting Org headings as LaTeX fragments.
Currently a heading could be configured to start a LaTeX
environment, emit a LaTeX command, set optional arguments (with
heading as key and entry body as value) and mandatory
arguments. See `org-latex-generic-scrlttr2-sectioning-alist' and
`org-latex-generic-isodoc-sectioning-alist'. "
  (let* ((heading (replace-regexp-in-string "\\s-+" "" heading))
         (pair (assoc-string heading org-latex-generic-sectioning-alist t))
         open close)

    (when pair
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'env)
        (setq open (format "\\begin{%s}\n" (car pair))
              close (format "\\end{%s}" (car pair))))
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'var)
        (setq open (format "\n\\setkomavar{%s} {"  (car pair))
              close "}"))
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'cmd)
        (setq open "\n\\%s {"
              close "}"))
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'cmd-with-opt)
        (setq open "\n\\%s"
              close ""))
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'optarg)
        (setq open "[" close "]"))
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'option)
        (setq open (format "%s =" (car pair)) close ","))
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'arg)
        (setq open " {" close "}"))
       ((eq (cdr pair) 'text)
        (setq open "" close ""))))
    (remove-list-of-text-properties 0 (length heading) '(target) heading)
    (list heading open close open close)))

(provide 'org-latex-generic)
(require 'org-latex-generic)
(require 'org-letter-utils)

;; An scrlttr2 file starts in org-latex-generic-mode
(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.scrlttr2$" . org-latex-generic-mode))

;; Register sectioning structure for Scrlttr2 class. For now use the
;; generic routine.

 '("scrlttr2" "\\documentclass{scrlttr2}" org-latex-generic-sectioning) t)

(defcustom org-latex-generic-scrlttr2-setup  
#+LaTeX_CLASS: scrlttr2
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
  "Meta lines for scrlttr2 class. Plug in your LCO file."
  :group 'org-scrlttr2
  :type 'string)

(defvar org-latex-generic-scrlttr2-template
    ("to" "subject" "opening" "body" "encl" "closing"))
  "Outline structure for scrlttr2 file."

(defcustom org-latex-generic-scrlttr2-sectioning-alist
  '(("letter" . env)
    ("to" . arg)
    ("subject" . var)
    ("opening" . cmd)
    ("body" . text)
    ("encl" . cmd)
    ("closing" . cmd))
  "Common LaTeX commands and Environment for use with scrlttr2 class."
  :group 'org-letter-scrlttr2
  :type org-latex-generic-sectioning-config)

(provide 'org-scrlttr2)
(require 'org-latex-generic)
(require 'org-letter-utils)

;; An isodoc file starts in org-latex-generic-mode
(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.isodoc$" . org-latex-generic-mode))

;; Register sectioning structure for isodoc class. For now use the
;; generic routine.
 '("isodoc" "\\documentclass{isodoc}" org-latex-generic-sectioning) t)

(defcustom org-latex-generic-isodoc-setup
#+LaTeX_CLASS: isodoc
#+LATEX_HEADER: \\usepackage{mystyle}
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
  "Meta lines for isodoc class. Insert your own stylesheet."
  :group 'org-letter-isodoc
  :type 'string)

(defvar org-latex-generic-isodoc-template
     ("date" "to" "opening" "subject" "closing" "enclosures"))
  "Outline structure for isodoc file."

(defcustom org-latex-generic-isodoc-sectioning-alist
  '(("letter" . cmd-with-opt)
    ("options" . optarg)
    ("date" . option)
    ("to" . option)
    ("opening" . option)
    ("subject" . option)
    ("closing" . option)
    ("enclosures" . option)
    ("body" . arg))
  "Common LaTeX commands and Environment for use with isodoc class."
  :group 'org-letter-isodoc
  :type org-latex-generic-sectioning-config)

(provide 'org-isodoc)
(require 'org-bbdb)

(org-add-link-type "bbdb" 'org-bbdb-open 'org-letter-utils-bbdb-export)

(defun org-letter-utils-bbdb-export (path desc format)
  "Convert a BBDB link to an address.
Customized for Indian style. Commas are a strict No No for
now. Make this sit nicely with `bbdb-format-address' and
  (when (eq format 'latex)
    (let* ((name path) (separator " \\\\\n")
           (indent 2) (prefix (make-string indent ? ))
           (addr (car (bbdb-record-addresses (bbdb-search-simple name nil)))))
       prefix name separator
       (mapconcat (lambda (line) (concat prefix line))
                  (bbdb-address-streets addr) separator) separator
       prefix (bbdb-address-city addr) " - " (bbdb-address-zip addr) separator
       prefix (bbdb-address-state addr)))))

(provide 'org-letter-utils)
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