Hi Neil,
Hope I can shed some light on the configuration for you:
- You shouldn't need to set org-mobile-files, afaik. If you just define
org-agenda-files, those files will be used (one less thing to maintain).
- You don't need the pre/post hooks at all. In your case, just copying
the file
Hi All
I am a new user to org-mode and was almost immediately hooked. (I'm also a
relatively recent convert to emacs and Aquamacs.) I went out and fetched the
mobileorg app for my iPod touch from the Apple appstore and now I'm rapidly
losing what's left of my hair - doh!
Anyhow, I have org-mod
Aloha all,
An article from last year "[PATCH 4/5] Add a new sort option, which
sorts items by todo keyword" describes what I'd like to do in my .org
files, i.e., sort TODO headlines by the order of the TODO state in the
TODO sequence. Given:
I used CUA mode, so my "C-c" is taken up by the "Copy" function. Is there
some way I can replace "C-c" for org mode with, say, "C-Alt-C" ?
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