
here are the changes in the latest release.


- Carsten

Changes in Version 6.06


   - New, more CSS-like setup for HTML style information
   - Attributes in hyperlinks, for example alt and title for images
   - Simplified way to specify file links
   - Modified behavior of time stamps in iCalendar export
   - New way to compare times during a property search
   - New option `org-open-directory-means-index'
   - New parameters :prefix and :prefix1 for include files
   - New option :index-style for org-publish
   - New structure for the timestamp directory for org-publish.

Incompatible changes

New structure for the timestamp directory for org-publish.

    The timestamp directory now uses SHA1 hashed versions of the
    path to each publishing file.  This should be a consistent
    and system-independent way to handle things.  The change
    means that your next publishing command will publish each and
    every file again, but just once, until new time stamps are in


New setup for HTML style information

    In order to create a more CSS-like setup of the HTML style
    information, the following changes have been made:
    - The default style has moved to a constant,
      `org-export-html-style-default' and should not be changed
    - The default of the variable `org-export-html-style' is now
      just the empty string.  This variable should receive
      settings that are Org-wide.  When using org-publish, this
      variable is associated with the `:style' property and can
      be used to establish project-wide settings.
    - There is a new variable `org-export-html-style-extra' that
      should be used for file-local settings.  Org-publish can, if
      necessary, access this variable with the `:style-extra'
    - When a file is published, the values of
      - org-export-html-style-default
      - org-export-html-style
      - org-export-html-style-extra
      are all inserted into the HTML header, in the given

    This follows a proposal by Rustom Mody.

Attributes in hyperlinks

    You can now set attributes in hyperlinks that will be used
    when publishing to HTML.  For example, if you want to use the
    ALT and TITLE attributes of an inlined image, here is who to
    do this:

[./img/a.jpg{{alt="This is image A" title="Image with no action"}}]

    Thanks to Charles Chen for this idea.

Simplified way to specify file links

    In a link, you can now leave out the "file:" prefix if you
    write an absolute file name like `/Users/dominik/.emacs' or
    `~/.emacs', or if you write a relative file name by using
    `./' or `../' to start the file path.  You cannot write a
    plain file name, because plain text is interpreted as an
    internal link.

    So for example, a link to an image /A.jpg/ with a thumbnail
    /B.jpg/ can now be written like

  [[./A.jpg][./B.jpg] ]

Changes in iCalendar export

    Deadline and scheduling time stamps are now treated
    differently in iCalendar export.  The default behavior is now
    the following:

    - a DEADLINE that appears in an entry that is a TODO item is
      used as the item's DUE date.  Therefore, such a deadline
      will no longer show up in the calendar.

    - a DEADLINE that appears in an item that is *not* a TODO
      item is exported as an EVENT and will show up in the

    - a SCHEDULED timestamp in a TODO item will be used as the
      items DTSTART.  Therefore, such a timestamp will not show
      up in the calendar.

    - a SCHEDULED timestamp in an item that is not a TODO has no
      effect on iCalendar export at all.  It will be ignored.

    Of course this would not be Emacs if you could not configure
    exactly what you want.  Take a look at the variables
    `org-icalendar-use-deadlines' and
    `org-icalendar-use-scheduled' if you want to go back to the
    old behavior or even do something completely different.

    Thanks to Karen Cooke for triggering this change.

New way to compare times during a property search

    If the comparison value in a property search is a string that
    is enclosed in angular brackets, a time comparison will be
    done.  For example

     +DEADLINE>="<2008-12-24 15:20>"

    looks for entries with a deadline on or after that time.
    Special allowed values are "<now>" (with time) and "<today>"
    (date only).

    This is based on a request by Manish.

New option `org-open-directory-means-index'

    When set, a link pointing to a directory will actually open
    the index.org file in that directory.  This is a good setting
    inside a publishing project.  When not set, you get a
    finder/explorer window for that directory, or dired,
    depending on system and setup.

    This follows a request by Richard Riley.

New parameters :prefix and :prefix1 for include files

    These parameters specify prefixes for each line of included
    text.  :prefix1 is only for the first line, :prefix for all
    other lines.

    This follows a proposal by Richard Riley.

New option :index-style for org-publish

    This option can be used to switch the style of the index
    produced by org-publish.  Can be `list' (index is just an
    itemized list of the titles of the files involved) or `tree'
    (the directory structure of the source files is reflected in
    the index).  The default is `tree'.

    Thanks to Sebastian Rose for the patch.

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