
I am releasing Org version 6.02.  The release is available at http://orgmode.org
as well as through the GIT repository.


- Carsten

Changes in Version 6.02


   - Column view (mostly) works now in XEmacs
   - Summaries for columns in the agenda
   - The special property Effort can be used for effort estimates
   - New operators for property searches
   - Search commands can now include archive files.
   - Clock tables can include the archive files
   - Orgtbl radio tables generalized.


Column view works now in XEmacs

    I had already given up on this, but Greg Chernev (who
    implemented noutline.el for XEmacs and in this way kept Org
    alive on XEmacs) has done it again and provided the patches
    to make column view work under XEmacs.  There are still some
    problems, but the basics work and we will iron out the
    remaining issues, hopefully soon.

Summaries for columns in the agenda

    If any of the columns has a summary type defined, turning on
    column view in the agenda will show summaries for these
    columns.  Org will first visit all relevant agenda files and
    make sure that the computations of this property are up to
    date.  This is also true for the special `CLOCKSUM' property.
    Org will then sum the values displayed in the agenda.  In the
    daily/weekly agenda, the sums will cover a single day, in all
    other views they cover the entire block.  It is vital to
    realize that the agenda may show the same entry multiple
    times (for example as scheduled and as a deadline), and it
    may show two entries from the same hierarchy (for example a
    /parent/ and it's /child/).  In these cases, the summation in
    the agenda will lead to incorrect results because some values
    will count double.

The special property Effort can be used for effort estimates

    If you want to plan your work in a very detailed way, or if
    you need to produce offers with quotations of the estimated
    work effort, you may want to assign effort estimates to
    entries.  If you are also clocking your work, you may later
    want to compare the planned effort with the actual working
    time.  Effort estimates can now be stored in a special
    property `Effort', displayed side-to-side with clock sums,
    and also be summed over a day, in order to show the planned
    work load of a day.  See the manual for more details.

New operators for property searches

    Property searches can now choose a number of different
    operators for comparing values.  These operators are `=',
    `<>', `<', `<=', `>', and `>='.

    When the search term uses the operator with plain number like
    `+Effort>=2.7', then the property value is converted to a
    number and a numerical comparison takes place.

    When the search term uses a string on the right hand side of
    the operator, a string comparison is done: `+PRIORITY<"C".'

    Finally, if the right hand side is enclosed in curly braces,
    a regexp match is done: `aaa={regexp}'.  In this case you
    should use only the `=' or `<>' operators, meaning "does
    match" or "does not match", respectively.

    This was a triggered with a request by Dan Davison.

Search commands can now include archive files.

    If the value of the customization variable
    `org-agenda-text-search-extra-files' contains the symbol
    `agenda-archives' as the first element in the list, all
    archive files of all agenda files will be added to the list
    of files to search.  This is relevant for the search view
    `C-c a s', as well as for the agenda files multi-occur
    command `C-c a /'.

Clock tables can include the archive files

    There are new values for the `:scope' parameter of a clock
    table.  This can now be `file-with-archives' and
    `agenda-with-archives', in order to collect information not
    only from the current file or all agenda files, but also from
    all archive files that are currently used by these files.

Orgtbl radio tables generalized.

    The options available for radio tables using orgtbl-mode have
    been expanded.  You may use several reception points and
    formats for the same table, you may have special formatting
    in the last line of the table,  and many table parameters may
    be functions, so that more general transformations are
    possible.  Jason Riedy provided a patch for this, and he will
    hopefully come up with some examples.  Thanks!

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