>> On a related note, how would I accomplish this - "Create the
>> headline automagically everytime but suppress the prompt".
>> This is the code snippet as it is in git today -
>> ((and (not org-link-search-inhibit-query) (eq
>> org-link-search-must-match-exact-
On Aug 19, 2010, at 2:15 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:
I have a small utility routine that depends on org-link-search to
an error. It knew how to create the missing headline on it's own.
A recent change and the default settings breaks the original
Using this as pretext, may
I have a small utility routine that depends on org-link-search to throw
an error. It knew how to create the missing headline on it's own.
A recent change and the default settings breaks the original behaviour.
Using this as pretext, may I suggest that signature of org-link-search
be changed from