I wrote this a while back, and now I see that the manual
describes a countdown timer.  So now might be a good


We've discussed something like this before, but it seems
there have been changes, so I am starting from scratch.

Wondering how much of the functionality exists in Emacs or

I describe it in detail below.


I'd like to keep =countdown timers= and get reminded at

This is a completely separate concept from clocking, effort
estimates, and that org timer that inserts mm:ss, by the

Here is a single example -- all 3 timers will run at the
same time:

  1) You just put the laundry in.  You want a reminder to
     switch it in 30m.
  2) You are also making tea right now.  You want a reminder
     in 5m to drink it.
  3) You are interviewing somebody at 6PM today.  You want a
     reminder 15m before and at 6PM.

Note that 1 and 2 are specified with a number of minutes,
while 3 is specified with a time.

Note that there is more than one timer at the same time.


The interface should be simple, perhaps via capture, and
definitely in the minibuffer.  It's OK if it creates tasks.
This would allow persistence and keep track of your

Appt-add can mostly do 3, but without keeping an Org task
and without specifying duration (only target).  Thus, you
have to manually calculate the duration, which is a
cognitive burden.

For 3 you can add an Org task, set a time, and tell appt to
show it.  However, I don't know if there is a capture
interface for all of that.

I know of no mechanism for 1 and 2.


Ideally, you would be able to show a buffer that shows
remaining duration, target time, and name of thing:

  | status   |  target | remaining | task      |
  | reminded |   17:17 | -13m      | tea       |
  | -        | /17:30/ | -         | /now/     |
  | wait     |   17:44 | 14m       | laundry   |
  | wait     |   18:00 | 30m       | interview |

I don't know if it makes sense to use agenda.

And a timer in the modeline that can be switched between the
currently clocked task display (whatever you are clocking in
org, i.e. the usual count-up display) and the next item (in
this case laundry in 14m).


OK, so how much of all this is possible these days?



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