
I'd like to propose a new universal argument functionality for
org-babel-mark-block: it should mark the block content (as without
universal argument) and the whole block definition as well.

Current behavior with and without universal argument:

#+NAME: my-example
#+BEGIN_SRC python
print('hello world!')     <-- marked

Proposed behavior:

Without universal argument:

#+NAME: my-example
#+BEGIN_SRC python
print('hello world!')    <-- marked

With universal argument:

#+NAME: my-example       <-- marked
#+BEGIN_SRC python       <-- marked
print('hello world!')    <-- marked
#+END_SRC                <-- marked

Personal background/motivation:

I often add blocks of all kind to list items:

- foobar
  #+BEGIN_SRC python
  print('hello world!')     <-- marked

This enables me to collapse and expand the list item together with
the block.

So far, my process of adding a block to a list item was:

- create list item
- press RET (which goes to column 1, not the indented list column)
- create the block (by using custom yankpad snippets, simulating the
  outdated quick templates(?) with, e.g., <s + TAB for SRC block.
- manually select the whole block     -> THIS should be addressed
- move block to the right to match the desired column
  - so far, I'm using "C-x r t SPC SPC RET" but I should switch to
    indent-rigidly which I covered on

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