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Subject: Re: Bug: Final zero after decimal point is stripped when inline code evaluated
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 10:25:05 -0400
From: Charles Millar <mill...@verizon.net>
To: Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com>

On 5/7/24 7:49 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 07/05/2024 03:05, Charles Millar wrote:
I appreciate that mathematically a trailing zero or zeros may be non-significant; however, in my use case, i.e. correct format in a text, they are necessary. Another example, in addition to my Dollars and cents scenario, may be a table that that has been created by using append, and the table appears as follows because trailing zeros were disregarded.

This 1.222
that 3.444
it   5.6
last 7.691

Question arises - is the correct number reported on line "it" 5.600 or has some editing omitted the last two decimal places?

I am unsure what do you mean by "using append".

Nor sure myself! What I meant was each number in the second column was a result of a :var evaluation that called a table and that there was a different table for each number.

 From my point of view there are 2 cases:
- When output format is fixed
   | 2 | 1.41 |
   | 3 | 1.73 |
   #+TBLFM: $2=(sqrt $1);%.2f
- When calculations should be performed with fixed point,
   usual floating point representation gives unexpected results
   src_elisp{(- 0.3 (+ 0.1 0.1 0.1))}

Some programming languages have decimal type for numbers:

As to finances, I was surprised that ledger, hledger, and beancount have different internal representations for amounts and there are various issues with rounding.

Org just should avoid unnecessary conversions between strings an numbers, but Ihor is right and implementation would require enough efforts.

(setq toconvert 5.000)
(number-to-string toconvert)

evaluates to "5".

I get "5.0" (Linux), so I suspect some mistake.

I am using Debian Testing, full upgrade as of last Saturday.

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