Hi all,

we are looking for someone to take charge of a very important task:
reproducing bugs reported on this list.

Bug reports generally starts with "Bug: " in the email subject, even
if some emails directly sent to the list may omit this keyword.

Once you confirm a bug, you would need to reply to it and to add a
header to your email like this:

  X-Woof-Bug: confirmed

And your job is done.

This will make the bug appear on https://updates.orgmode.org which
makes it easy for contributors to know that their time is correctly
used when they want to contribute with fixes.

This is a very important task: anyone can contribute to it with the
same process, but having someone in charge would certain help.

This human "bug validator" will join the contributor stewards, as
discussed here: https://orgmode.org/list/87v98b0yvm....@gnu.org/


PS: Please don't use this thread to discuss bug reporting tools and
processes: we need human power more than a change of tooling.

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