On Friday, 7 Nov 2014 at 13:03, kevin.lemorzadec wrote:
> Thanks for your answer,
> Unfortunatly the #+attr_latex: :environment tabu seem to not be taken into
> account
> I have org 6.33x, could that be the problem?
Yes, most definitely. org 6.33 is ancient! there have been two major
Thanks for your answer,
Unfortunatly the #+attr_latex: :environment tabu seem to not be taken into
I have org 6.33x, could that be the problem?
Code used:
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[table]{xcolor}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tabu}
#+TITLE: Some statistics about
On Wednesday, 5 Nov 2014 at 21:06, kevin.lemorzadec wrote:
> in org mode. I don't see how to include replace the \begin{tabular}
> generated automaticly by the following code by \begin{tabu}
#+attr_latex: :environment tabu
just before the table, assuming you are using a relatively r