
I have the following structure in a document. I will include the
document at the end of the message for better readability.

The structure is as follows

* Sheet 1
** G1/S1/E1 (id G1-S1-E1)
** G2/S1/E2 (id G2-S1-E2)
** Table generated via coumnview containing the tree

* Sheet 2
** G1/S2/E1 (id G1-S2-E1)
** G2/S2/E2 (id G2-S2-E1)
** Table generated via coumnview containing the tree

But I would also have tables which are generated by a reordering of the
file such as

* Group1
** G1/S1/E1
** G1/S2/E1
** Table generated via coumnview containing the tree

* Group 2
** G2/S1/E2
** G2/S2/E2
** Table generated via coumnview containing the tree

Now it is a hassle to reorder the file in this way. 
Each subheader has a different id

So the best would be if I could do the following 

#+BEGIN: columnview  :hlines 1 :indent nil :format 
"%50id[G1-S1-E1,G1-S2-E2](Sheet) %7Status(Status){X/}"
| Sheet    | Status |
| Sheet1   | [2/2]  |
| G1-S1-E1 | [X]    |
| G2-S1-E2 | [X]    |
|          |        |

But this seems not to be possible.

Does anybody has an idea how to achieve my goal, producing tables via
columnview form sub-header that posses a distinct id?

Thanks and regards

Uwe Brauer


* Sheet 1
   :COLUMNS:  %10Sheet(Sheet Nr) %10Ub(Exercise Nr)  %7STATUS(Status){X/} 
   :ID:       Sheet1
** G1/S1/E1
   :ID:     G1-S1-E1
   :STATUS:   [X]

** G2/S1/E2
   :Id:     G2-S1-E2
   :STATUS:   [X]


#+BEGIN: columnview  :hlines 1 :indent nil :format "%50id(Sheet) 
| Sheet    | Status |
| Sheet1   | [2/2]  |
| G1-S1-E1 | [X]    |
| G2-S1-E2 | [X]    |
|          |        |
* Sheet 2
   :COLUMNS:  %10Sheet(Sheet Nr) %10Ub(Exercise Nr)  %7STATUS(Status){X/} 
   :ID:       Sheet2
** G1/S2/E1
   :ID:     G1-S2-E1
   :STATUS:   [X]

** G2/S2/E2
   :Id:     G2-S2-E2
   :STATUS:   [X]


#+BEGIN: columnview  :hlines 1 :indent nil :format "%50id(Sheet) 
| Sheet    | Status |
| Sheet2   | [2/2]  |
| G1-S2-E1 | [X]    |
| G2-S2-E2 | [X]    |
|          |        |

* Group 1
   :COLUMNS:  %10Group(Sheet Nr) %10Ub(Exercise Nr)  %7STATUS(Status){X/} 
   :ID:       Group1
** G1/S1/E1
   :ID:     G1-S1-E1
   :STATUS:   [X]
** G1/S2/E1
   :ID:     G1-S2-E1
   :STATUS:   [X]

#+BEGIN: columnview  :hlines 1 :indent nil :format "%50id(Group) 
| Group    | Status |
| Group1   | [2/2]  |
| G1-S1-E1 | [X]    |
| G1-S2-E1 | [X]    |
|          |        |
* Group 2
   :COLUMNS:  %10Group(Sheet Nr) %10Ub(Exercise Nr)  %7STATUS(Status){X/} 
   :ID:       Group2

** G2/S1/E2
   :Id:     G2-S1-E2
   :STATUS:   [X]
** G2/S2/E2
   :Id:     G2-S2-E2
   :STATUS:   [X]

#+BEGIN: columnview  :hlines 1 :indent nil :format "%50id(Group) 
| Group    | Status |
| Group2   | [2/2]  |
| G2-S1-E2 | [X]    |
| G2-S2-E2 | [X]    |
|          |        |

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