AMD sees no Geode chip replacement in sight

        Advanced Micro Devices Inc. said it has no replacement planned
for the aging Geode low-power chip, creating uncertainty for its use in
products like future XO laptops made by One Laptop Per Child. There
won't be a Geode successor, and the company has no core
microarchitecture planned to replace the chip, AMD executives said
Monday. The [...]

Sentilla measures power use at the server level

        Sentilla Corp. has released a product that measures the
electricity being consumed by individual servers in a data center and
makes recommendations based on those usage levels to help cut energy
bills, the company announced Tuesday. Called the Sentilla Energy Manager
for Data Centers, the product uses small Java-based devices that plug
into the back of [...]

Senate votes to delay digital TV transition

        "It would take an act of Congress" to postpone the digital TV
transition, said a board member of the DTV Transition coalition earlier
this month-before Congress began considering President Obama's request
for a delay. And now, that's exactly how this saga is playing out. The
U.S. Senate voted Monday to delay the switchover from analog to [...]

When your employer is about to hit rough seas

        From the first day at his job, IT program manager Alec Satin had
a feeling something wasn't right. "I kept telling myself, 'It has to get
better,' " he recalls. "But it didn't." The week before Thanksgiving,
the project he was working on ran out of money, and Satin found himself
out of a job. [...]

Microsoft repeats IE8 lock-in warning for XP users with SP3

        Microsoft Corp. today again warned users of Windows XP Service
Pack 3 (SP3) that they may not be able to uninstall either the service
pack or Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). The warning, made by Jane Maliouta, a
Microsoft program manager as the company delivered Release Candidate 1
(RC1) on Monday, was a repeat of a caution [...]

Hackers exploit Obama site to spread malware

        A social networking site operated by the 2008 Barack Obama
presidential campaign is serving up malware to unwary visitors a full
week after the tactic was reported, a security researcher said today., still active after the innauguration last week of
President Obama, is being used by hackers trying to dupe users into
downloading a [...]

President Obama already Googlebombed as 'failure'

        A few years ago, online Bush bashers ganged up to link the term
"miserable failure" from their blogs to the 43rd president's home page.
As a result, a Google search for "miserable failure" returned the White
House's Web site as top result. Today, though, it's President Obama who
has been targeted for the search term "failure" [...]


        Last fall, nearly two years after Brian Padworski began his
career as an audit associate, he asked a colleague at KPMG to be his
mentor. "The economy is not where it was a year ago, especially in the
last three months, and having a mentor helps you," says Padworski, 23,
who was looking for ways [...]

Advice to the next Homeland Security CPO

        If you had a chance to pose any question to the person in charge
of protecting Americans' privacy as the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security executes its mission, what would you say? I had that chance
this month when Hugo Teufel, departing chief privacy officer at the DHS,
delivered an address, entitled "Reflections on My [...]


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