Just a little pity for the sake of humanity!!!

To whom it may concern:

The state of Israel which you belong to has been bombing on the innocent
people of PALESTINE without considering if it's a child, a woman, an old, a
civilian, a soldier, a human being or just a living.

As a result of these attacks, lots of people have been dead, wounded or
disabled. In other words your state has been murdering people.

It shouldn't be forgotten that all the world has got angry about these
attacks of your state or your government! Do not forget that you will pay
the cost of the infringement of human rights disregarded by your state in
front of the eyes of all the world.

History will judge you and you will be punished like the common conscience
do now.

As consumers living in Turkey, We repreoach these attacks, which your state
has done, with

hatred. We are making heard to all the world that we will not buy any
product carrying the name 'Israel' or any thing supported by Israel, we will
not use any service by Israel and will boycott THE PRODUCTS AND TRADEMARKS
OF ISRAEL because of the attacks on the innocent people of Palestine!!!

We do not want to contribute any bombs thrown on Palestine people by your

Tüketici Hakları Merkezi TÜ-MER

Consumer Rights Center

Israel Consumer Council (ICC)

İsrail Tüketici Konseyi

Elektronik Posta: moa...@consumers.org.il

Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC)

Elektronik Posta:cham...@chamber.org.il <posta%3acham...@chamber.org.il>

Türk İsrail İş Konseyi (Israel Turkey Business Council)


Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute

Elektronik Posta: libr...@export.gov.il

Hayfa ve Kuzey Bölgesi Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası

(Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Haifa & the North)

Elektronik Posta: : m...@haifachamber.org.il

Kudüs Ticaret Odası (Jerusalem Chamber of Commerce)

Elektronik Posta : jerc...@inter.net.il

Tel Aviv Ticaret Odası (Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce)

E Posta: cham...@chamber.org.il

Beer Sheva ve Negev Bölgesi Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası

(BeerSheva & Negev District Chamber of Commerce & Industry)

Elektronik Posta: chamb...@zahav.net.il

Nazareth Ticaret Odası

(Nazareth Chamber of Commerce)

Elektronik Posta: shaeen....@gmail.com

Eilat Ticaret Odası (Eilat Chamber of Commerce)

Elektronik Posta: atzm...@bezeqint.net

İsrail Narenciye Pazarlama Kurulu

(Israel Citrus Marketing Board)

Elektronik Posta:hanok...@zahav.net.il <posta%3ahanok...@zahav.net.il>

Bitki Üretim ve Pazarlama Kurulu

(The Plants Production and Marketing Board)

Elektronik Posta:mich...@plants.org.il <posta%3amich...@plants.org.il>

Süt Üreticileri Birliği

Elektronik Posta:off...@isdb.co.il <posta%3aoff...@isdb.co.il>

Meyva Yetiştiricileri Birliği

Elektronik Posta:ga...@netvision.net.il <posta%3aga...@netvision.net.il>

Sebze Yetiştiricileri Birliği

Elektronik Posta:h...@vegetable.co.il <posta%3ah...@vegetable.co.il>

İsrail Mücevher Üreticileri Birliği

(Israel Jewelry Manufacturers' Association)

Elektronik Posta:bend...@netvision.net.il <posta%3abend...@netvision.net.il>

İsrail İmalatçılar Birliği

(The Manufacturers' Assocation of Israel)

Elektronik Posta:tr...@industry.org.il <posta%3atr...@industry.org.il>

İsrail Plastik ve Kauçuk Endüstrisi Birliği

(Society of Israel Plastics & Rubber Industry)

E-Posta: e...@industry.org.il

İsrail Mobilya İmalatçıları Birliği

(The Israel Association of Furniture Manufacturers)

E-Posta: nu...@industry.org.il

İsrail Elektronik ve Yazılım endüstrileri Birliği

(Association of Electronics and Software Industries)

Elektronik Posta:elec_...@netvision.net.il<posta%3aelec_...@netvision.net.il>

HİSTADRUT (İsrail İşçi Sendikaları Birliği)

Elektronik Posta:dav...@histadrut.org.il <posta%3adav...@histadrut.org.il>

Profesyonel ve Sosyal Tanıtım Birliği

(Professional and Social Promotion Association)

Elektronik Posta:i...@son.co.il <posta%3ai...@son.co.il>

İsrail Havacılık Birliği

(Israeli Association of General Aviation–IAGA)

Elektronik Posta:ia...@aopaisrael.org.il <posta%3aia...@aopaisrael.org.il>

İsrail Profesyonel Güvenlik Birliği

(Israel Professional Safety Association)

Elektronik Posta:memu...@netvision.net.il <posta%3amemu...@netvision.net.il>

İsrail Ekonomik Birliği

(Israel Economic Association)

Elektronik Posta:econo...@israel.net <posta%3aecono...@israel.net>

Maurice Falk Ekonomik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü

(The Maurice Falk Institute of Economic)

Elektronik Posta: msfal...@mscc.huji.ac.il

Kundakçılık Müfettişleri Birliği

(Arson Investigators Association)

Elektronik Posta:mao...@bezeqint.net <posta%3amao...@bezeqint.net>

Sigortacılık Zarar Tespit Uzmanları Birliği

E-Posta: i...@shamaeim.co.il

Elektronik Sanayide Tasarım ve İmalat için İleri Teknoloji Kullanıcıları

Elektronik Posta:il...@iltam.org <posta%3ail...@iltam.org>

Bahçıvanlık Örgütü

(Gardening and Israel View Organization)

Elektronik Posta:i...@gardeningm.org.il <posta%3ai...@gardeningm.org.il>

İç Denetçiler Enstitüsü

(The Institute of Internal Auditors in Israel)

Elektronik Posta:off...@iia.org.il <posta%3aoff...@iia.org.il>

Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Teknoloji Mezunları Örgütü

(Israel Organization of Consulting Engineers, Architecths and Technology
GraduatesI OCEA)

Elektronik Posta:i...@netvision.net.il <posta%3ai...@netvision.net.il>

Tel Aviv Yafo Müteahhitler ve İnşaatçılar Örgütü

(Tel Aviv Yafo Contractor and Builders Organization)

Elektronik Posta:kabl...@zahav.net.il <posta%3akabl...@zahav.net.il>

Kredi ve Emlak Çalışanları Birliği

(Society of Trust and Real Estate PractitionersSTEP)

Web: i...@stepisrael.org;

İsrail Ticaret Noktası (Trade Point Israel)

Elektronik Posta:tpisr...@tpisrael.org.il <posta%3atpisr...@tpisrael.org.il>

T.C. Kudüs Başkonsolosluğu


T.C. Tel Aviv Büyükelçiliği

Elektronik Posta:turkemb.tela...@mfa.gov.tr<posta%3aturkemb.tela...@mfa.gov.tr>

T.C. Tel Aviv Büyükelçiliği Ticaret Müşavirliği

Elektronik Posta:dt...@netvision.net.il <posta%3adt...@netvision.net.il>

İsrail Devleti Ticaret Ateşeliği

Elektronik Posta:istan...@moital.gov.il <posta%3aistan...@moital.gov.il>

İsrail Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı, Yatırımları Geliştirme Merkezi

Elektronik Posta:ma...@moit.gov.il <posta%3ama...@moit.gov.il>

İsrail Gümrük İdaresi (Customs Service)

E-Posta: webmas...@mof.gov.il

İsrail Standarlar Enstitüsü (Israel Standards Institute)

Elektronik Posta:ve...@sii.org.il <posta%3ave...@sii.org.il>


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