More Than All the Rest

   Jesus sat near the temple money box where people put their
   gifts. He watched the people put money in the box. Many rich
   people gave much money. Then a poor widow came and gave two
   very small copper coins. These coins were not even worth a
   penny. Jesus called his followers to him. Jesus said, "I tell
   you the truth. This poor widow gave only two small coins. But
   she really gave more than all the rich people. Those people
   have plenty; they gave only what they did not need. This
   woman is very poor. But she gave all she had. And she needed
   that money to help her live."

                           -- Mark 12:41-44 (ERV)

Jesus sees into the hearts of people and knows their situations. He
sees through the facades. That's why he will do the judging. On the
surface, the rich who gave large amounts of money as their offerings
appear to be making huge gifts. This can sometimes gain them notoriety
and applause. However, the folks who give small amounts may actually be
giving a lot more because it costs them so much more to give the
smaller amount. God doesn't judge the gift by its size, but its
sincerity and generosity of heart.

O Father in heaven, you have graciously given me everything in Jesus.
Please help me as I seek to be a responsible and generous steward of
the gracious gifts you have lavished upon me. In Jesus' name I pray.

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