That's a good question, and I don't immediately have the right answer.

One answer that comes to mind is to remember this, and on the master
branch revert the commit after the merge that introduces it.

    X--o--A--o--o [v2.4_branch]
     \        \
      o--o--o--M--A' [master]

X represents the place where we branched 2.4, A represents the change
to disable incomplete pncconf features, and A' represents the revert of
A.  (Optionally, squash A' into M so that they're a single commit)

Another answer is to remember this, and do something special at the next
    X--o--A--o--o [v2.4_branch]
     \  \  \  
      o--M1-M2--o [master]

M1 is a merge done from the last commit before A.  It is done like a
normal merge.  M2 is done immediately after M1 but uses the "ours" merge
strategy, so that none of the changes introduced by A are in M2.

I'll do a bit more googling because I'm sure there are other ways, and
maybe there's a better one.


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