Starting on February 1 there should be no new features on master, only
stabilization.  Work on new features in other branches can of course
continue, just don't merge them to master.

A v2.4_branch will be created sometime after February 1, at which point
master will be opened for new features again.

At this point we may want to investigate some of the workflows suggested
in the gitworkflows[1] document.  Specifically, here's how we can use
topic branches, integration branches and merging upwards to put safe new
features in 2.4.x after they're proven on master:

    * When starting a new project, create it as a branch from
      $(git merge-base origin/master origin/v2.4_branch)

    * To see whether the new feature still works properly with the tip
      of master or v2.4_branch, create a throwaway integration branch;
      don't push the result of that merge anywhere.

    * When the branch is done and tested and nothing on it is
      controversial, it can be merged into master without fuss.

      I'd love to see every branch tested by at least one other person
      besides its primary author, but I realize this isn't always

    * It's up to the discretion of the release managers whether the
      branch may be merged into v2.4_branch, based on feedback from
      fellow developers.

      We may want to have a branch like 'next' or 'pu' to make it easier
      for developer to test the 2.4 changes the release managers are
      considering for inclusion.

[1] ;-)

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