Gentle persons:

This message covers editorial issues I found reviewing the HTML files on concerning the (English) User manual. 
In this email I shall call them parts. I have titled my comments on each 
part according to the link title in index.html and given the linked-to 
HTML file name in parentheses.

Foreword (...)
Introduction (...)

No comments.

Important User Concepts (common/User_Concepts.html)

I'll leave detailed examination of the G-Code descriptions to someone 
better informed than I am.

In section 1.4. Planning Moves the last line ends "0.025inch inch" and 
should end "0.025 inch".

In section 2.3. Tool Radius Offset shouldn't the link to "Tool 
Compensation Section" resolve to something other than 

In section 5. Coordinate Systems the link to "Coordinate Section of this 
manual" resolves to this same section. This seems to be an artifact of 
breaking up the manuals. I'm sure "this manual" means something other 
than "Important User Concepts". Possibly, it means "User Manual" and the 
link should reference "gcode/coordinates.html"???

GUI: Axis (gui/axis.html)

In section 3. AXIS Display, a number of bulleted entries have a 
superfluous space before the comma.

[an aside: In section 3.5.1 The Axis Group the last sentence "See the 
Configure section of the Integrator Manual for ..." is an example of the 
extra editing that will be needed throughout if all the docs are merged 
into one PDF file rather than individual manuals. Also, it probably 
should have a proper hyperlink. This is not the best place to make my 
point, but this is the place that reminded me.]

GUI: Touchy (...)

No comments.

NGCGUI (gui/ngcgui.html)

An aside: there is a lot of material here about relative and absolute 
directory paths that usefully could appear in the Linux FAQ.

In Section 3. Subroutine Requirements following the example box labelled 
"Global Named Parameters" there seems to be something wrong with the 
second sentence which ends "parameter named #<_helper:answer." Shouldn't 
there be a closing ">"?

GUI: TkEMC (gui/tkemc.html)

Gloriosky! In this section the images are centered horizontally 
(although the captions are still left justified). How did this happen?!? 
Almost everywhere else the images are left justified.

An aside: this section consistently indicates walking a pulldown menu 
using the style .../.../... (apropos my previous message).

GUI: Mini (gui/mini.html)

In 3. Menu Bar the last two entries in the description of the View Menu 
are formatted differently. The entry names are in roman type face 
surrounded by single quotes while the previous entries are in italic 
type face and not surrounded in single quotes. This looks like an error 
in markup.

Curiously, some images are centered and some are left justified.

An aside: under Figure 7 Mini Tool Display, walking a pulldown menu is 
indicated using the style ...->...->...
Oy weh.

GUI: Keystick (gui/keystick.html)

No meaningful comment, but I note the image is centered.

Machining Center Info (gcode/machining_center.html)

In section 1.4 Feed and Speed Override the "See the Feed Interaction 
Section" link resolves to section 3.1. Feed and Speed Override Switches. 
Is this what was intended? I couldn't turn up a likely target just 
grep'ping the source files.

The above is also true for section 2.14. Feed and Speed Override 
Switches. As well, the links to M48 and M49 don't seem to go anywhere 
real. Perhaps they should point to 

In section 4. Tool Table the final sentence says "see the Tool Table 
Section" but the link doesn't go anywhere real. Perhaps it should point 
to "gcode/tool_compensation.html#_tool_table"?

In section 5. Parameters the final sentence says "See the Parameters 
section for more information" but again the link doesn't point to 
anything real. Perhaps it should point to 

Coordinates (gcode/coordinates.html)

I find section 4.1 The G92 commands unsatisfying. Consider the paragraph:

"A user must understand the correct ways that the G92 values work. They 
are set based upon the location of each axis when the G92 command is 
invoked. The NIST document is clear that, To make the current point have 
the coordinates X0, Y0, and Z0 you would use G92 X0 Y0 Z0. G92 does not 
work from absolute machine coordinates. It works from current location."

It cites the NIST document without saying what that document is or why 
we should care what it says and I'm not sure this paragraph helps me 
understand the "correct ways."  I think it needs some more explanation 
that this G92 example defines offset variables such that the current 
location, whatever it is, now has the coordinates X0 Y0 Z0 (all of which 
is explained better in 4.2 Setting G92 Values). The last two sentences 
confuse me more than they help.

Tool Compensation (gcode/tool_compensation.html)

In section 2. Tool Table the sentence "See the Lathe Specifics 
Section..." needs a link to something useful.


Sorry, I have to stop for now and continue later.


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