EU Decision 768 does not apply to products or manufacturers – it is was an 
instruction to change Directives and I would be careful with citing and relying 
on the paragraphs following “whereas:” in Directives as the obligations are in 
the Articles of the Directives and not in the preamble:
And in the article of a NLF aligned Directive you find:

‘manufacturer’ means any natural or legal person who manufactures radio 
equipment or has radio equipment designed or manufactured, and markets that 
equipment under his name or trade mark;

The Blue Guide (which is a guide) says
The manufacturer is any natural or legal person who is responsible for 
designing or manufacturing a product and places it on the market under his own 
name or trademark (91). The definition contains two cumulative conditions: the 
person has to manufacture (or have a product manufactured) and to market the 
product under his own name or trademark. So, if the product is marketed under 
another person's name or trademark, this person will be considered as the 


Charlie Blackham
Sulis Consultants Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)7946 624317
Registered in England and Wales, number 05466247

From: Richard Nute <>
Sent: 15 August 2019 23:31
Subject: Re: [PSES] Branding Products and EU Decision 768 NLF

Hi The Other Brian:

“Company-A's name and address is on the Nameplate Label on the back of the 
Widget. Company-A handles everything including the Conformity Assessment, 
Generating the EU-DoC, Applying the CE marking, audits, inspections, etc..”

All of the other markings and stuff are just fluff.  They don’t count for 
compliance.  They don’t have to be there for compliance.  The Widget “belongs” 
to Company A despite the Company B markings and stuff.

"Any economic operator that either places a product on the
market under his own name or trademark .... should be considered to be
the manufacturer and should assume the obligations of the manufacturer."

The key word is “should,” which is NOT “must.”  In this case, Company B, while 
placing the Widget on the market is NOT the manufacturer.  Company A has the 
obligations of the manufacturer.

“A customer purchasing the Widget from Company-B asked for a copy of the 
EU-DoC. The customer would not accept the EU-DoC because it was generated by 

Call your customer’s attention to Company A’s nameplate.  The nameplate is the 
only valid data; what Company B marks on the Widget (including the Company B 
name), from a regulatory point of view, is simply fluff.  I suppose you could 
ask Company A to include a statement on the DoC to the effect that the Widget 
is also marketed as a Company B Widget.

Best regards,


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