To Those Who are Interested In:

China CNCA has setup a database for the CCC certified products.  A
step-by-step instruction, in Chinese, is also posted.   The official notice,
in Chinese, dated September 20, 2007, can be found at 
<> .  The step-by-step
instruction, in Chinese, can be downloaded at 


Following is the unofficial translation of the instruction for your reference.
 Words with italic fonts are added for clarification.   Please download the
Chinese instruction for reference.  The database accepts searching in English.


Page 1:




CCC Certificate Online Searching Operation Manual




I.          System Launching..........................2

II.         General Search for CCC Certificates.......3          



Page 2:


            I. System Launching

                        1. Click IE browser, keyin  <> into the Address field to open the CNCA web site, as shown in
the following figure: 


                        (Figure Here)


                        2. Click "Search Special Area ( 查询专区)" under
the Menu (located on the right upper corner) to open the page of "Search
Special Area ( 查询专区)", as shown in the following figure:



Page 3:


                        (Figure Here)


                        3. Click "General Search for CCC Certificates (
强制性产品认证证书一般查询)" to open the search page.



II. General Search for CCC Certificates

            The purpose of general search for CCC certificates is to provide
products' basic information search to the general public.   Searching can be
done by the combination of Certificate Number (证书编号), Applicant Name (
申请人名称), Manufacturer Name (制造商名称), Factory Name (
生产厂名称), and Product Name (产品名称) etc. As shown in the
following figure: 



Page 4:


                        (Figure Here)


            Click "Search (查询) " to start the search.

            Clicking the link of a certificate number to show the content and
the validation of the certificate, as shown in the following figure: 



Page 5:


                        (Figure Here)
(End of Instruction) 

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