Hello All,
I am still working on this issue. What has been figured out is the
microphone circuit appears to be the victim, in a round about way. If we cut
off the microphone in any way the audible failure goes away. If we mute the
phone it is linked to the failure goes away. The call box we use defaults to
echo or loop back for audio testing so you can monitor audio quality.  If we
take the call box out of echo or loop and put it into handset mode (which
has no loop back of audio) the failure also goes away.

So the question is does the call box in the system have to be set to loop
back or echo mode during the test. I did not see the call box settings
spelled out in any of the standards.

In section 4.2.1 of 301 489-7 V1.2.1 it says:

" A communication link shall be set up with a suitable base station
simulator (hereafter called 'the test system')."

That is all I have seen about the call box.

Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge.

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