Heber -

This may depend on who's doing the certification of your equipment.  I've
heard of certain agencies ignoring faceplate LEDs, but not yet of any
wanting to test.  According to Jerome Dennis of the CDRH (at the 1997
International Laser Safety Conference), discussions at the IEC TC76 meetings
indicated acceptance of manufacturers' data sheets as an acceptable means to
determine compliance.  This may, however, require conversion of units from
candela or lux to units consistent with IEC825-1.


Peter L. Tarver

> ----------
> From:         Farnsworth, Heber[SMTP:hfarn...@physio-control.com]
> Sent:         Friday, April 17, 1998 10:54 AM
> This was discussed before, but I wasn't listening closely enough.
> What does it take to show that panel indicator LEDs meet applicable
> requirements of
> IEC 60825 (IEC 825)?
> __________________
> Heber Farnsworth
> Physio-Control, Seattle, USA

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