I am not sure of the appropriate web site, but the SLIM committee has 
issued its final report on the EMC directive. It includes 20 specific 
recommendations. VERY briefly, it encourages the Commission to 
evaluate existing standards and set up review processes for new ones, 
with a view towards minimizing duplication. In the same vein, it 
encourages the inclusion of basic EMC requirements IN the directive, 
rather than the current minimal 'essential' requirements. It also 
recommends the consideration of installation environments for large 
machines, rather than arbitrarily imposing the same requirements on 

I only have a hard copy, so if anyone would like a copy, please e-mail 
me directly and I will get it out to you.

Bob Martin
Sr. Technical Manager
Intertek Testing Services

The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my 

-----Original Message-----
From:   rehel...@mmm.com [SMTP:rehel...@mmm.com]
Sent:   Thursday, October 08, 1998 10:38 AM
To:     emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject:        SLIM Committee

Does anyone know of a webstite that shows the activities and status of 
SLIM committee's activities?

Bob Heller
Sr. EMC Eng. 3M Co.

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