PS Net

        There have been a lot of opinions given...  some in the spirit of
the requirements others shaving the edge of the written requirements...  

        One factor that clouds the issue is that of who will install this
equipment...  in one case mentioned - the cash dispensing machines - it may
be reasonable for an installer to add a plug to the power cord and expect
that proper connections be made where it is pretty certain that the
installer is an employee of the manufacturer or distributor or a qualified
electrician...  on the other hand, for products that are sold directly to
users for personal or commercial use where it is intended to be installed
by untrained, not-specifically-qualified individuals in a home or office it
seems unreasonable to expect a proper connection between any plug and
wiring so country specific plugs ought to be supplied...  

        I realize that supplying the variations is a pain but it's just one
of the costs of doing business...  besides, you do have to keep the
customer happy, in spite of what's required...  would you buy a product
that didn't directly plug into your outlet?  or if you did buy the product
unsuspecting such (and did the workaround to get it working), would you
tell your friends about your unhappy experience?  marketing data suggests
that we tell 10x more folks of our bad experiences with product purchases
than we do our good ones...  

        Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth today...

        - - - - -

        Peter E Perkins
        Principal Product Safety Consultant
        Tigard, ORe  97281-3427

        +1/503/452-1201 phone/fax      email

        visit our website:


        - - - - -

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