Have a look at Uddeholm Vanadis 4 Extra SuperClean. Uddeholm has more types
of tool steel to choose from. This is from Uddeholm PDF.

Pre-heating temperature: First pre-heating at600–650°C (1110–1200°F) and
second at 850–900°C (1560–1650°F)Austenitizing temperature: 940–1180°C
(1725–2160°F), normally 1020°C (1870°F).• For large sections, i.e. >70 mm
(2.75") use 1060°C (1940°F).• For the very best wear resistance use
1100–1180°C (2010–2160°F).Soaking time: 30 min. for hardening tempera-tures
up to 1100°C (2010°F), 15 min. fortemperatures higher than 1100°C
Soaking time = time at hardening tem-perature after the tool is fully
heated through.A holding time of less than recommended timewill result in
loss of hardness.Protect the tool against decarburization andoxidation
during hardening.Further information can be found in theUddeholm brochure
“Heat treatment of toolsteels.

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