This Bandit stepper controller was working about 5 years ago when it stopped doing any circular interpolation.  The machine it was controlling had 1.5 amp steppers, so it was easy to replace it with GRBL and the CNC shield.

  The power supply (if I remember correctly) was about 75 volts, and you can see from it's size it had a lot of current capability.  The (3) stepper drivers are linear, and could handle stepper motors up to about 7 amps.

  Someone on this list might be able to put the power supply to good use on a servo machine.  That's why it's offered for free, but we can't keep it forever (I'd hate to have to scrap it.)

*  It can be picked up near the Seaview Square Mall in NJ by arrangement.*

I hope someone can make use of it.

Bandit CNC controller

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