I'm beating a tool-height probe switch into submission and 
want to make sure I'm not misinterpreting what I see; the 
relevant sections of the EMC2 version 2.3 doc are not 
entirely forthcoming.

Here's how I think the pieces work...

The coordinates stored by G30.1 in #5181-#5186 are always in 
native machine units, which are inches for my Sherline's 20-
tpi leadscrews. Thus, to program a Z-axis move to the G30 
height while using metric units, you'd use

G0 Z[#5183 * 25.4]

The tool dimensions stored in the classic tool table file 
are always in native machine units: inches for my machine. 
Thus, the tool lengths used by G43 H- (read from the table) 
will be in inches.

The coordinates stored by G38.2 in #5061-#5069 are in 
whatever units the currently active G20/G21 mode calls for. 
Thus, with G21 metric units active, #5063 has the most 
recently probed Z-axis coordinate in millimeters.

The tool length used by G43.1 K- is also in the current 
G20/G21 units, which will be millimeters when G21 is active.

So, with G21 active, doing a G38.2 probe stores coordinates 
in millimeters, which are exactly what's needed for the 
subsequent G43.1 K-

G43.1 K[#5063 - #<_ToolRefZ>]

That's the way it seems to work and it makes perfect sense, 
although the collision of units in the G43 family was 

Do I have all that right?

Now, is there any way for a G-Code (sub)program to determine 
which of G20/G21 is currently in effect? It Would Be Nice If 
the routine could pick its Z traverse level and probing 
speed based on the current units.



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