> Rockhopper can give a graphic that can display the path and carefull 
> analisis of that artwork can be informative, but it doesn't really show 
> where the signal delays are.

I think most blocks/functions are calculate in an instant in sort of. There is 
delay because input signal is sampled periodically and output signal usually is 
a PWM signal which with an average over the period. Then it depends a little 
bit on hardware but in most cases it will probably be at least a few periods, 
PWM timers in micro controllers usually have a shadow register so that software 
calculations could be done anywhere within period while update is done exactly 
at period usually at timer overflow or at top and/or bottom.

I can not put a number on the delay but it is somewhere within the period. If I 
think correct delay is distributed within period with this kind of square 
shaped probability distribution there any number within period is equally 
likely to happen but I can't remember the name on it.

Then designing a control loop maximum delay need to be at largest what phase 
margin allow. For higher frequencies phase angle will be more negative because 
delay stay the same while period decreases with period. T=1/f, where T is 
period in second and f is frequency in Hz, phase in degree is delay/T*360 if I 
got everything correct.

In practice many signals if not all have at least some kind of filtering and 
other smaller or larger random variations. Variations will also add some 
variations to phase margin.

Regards, Nicklas Karlsson

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