----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hi there empyre, 

thank you for the invite to post, as like Tracy and Simon I’m a bit of lurker 
these days. Not that I’m away from the computer, rather I’m immersed in 
acquiring new bodies of knowledge for my various writing projects. So much to 
discover, such little time. Thank you to the people who've posted already  - 
great to see what u are up to. 

Im just at the pointy end of "Catherine Truman: Touching Distance”  - a 
monograph with many lovely big pictures on the 35 year interdisciplinary 
practice of Catherine Truman. Initially  as  jeweller/carver working in the 
sensuous interiors of the body, ( slides- I’d forgotten about old media!) 
studying anatomical collections around the world, and, who has for the past 
decade been embedded in neurological research laboratories working with 
scientists.  She continually questions how we see, construct, touch and 
interact with the world.  Due out in June/July with a launch in Adelaide at the 
Art Gallery of South Australia, and in Amsterdam later in 2016.

Still pottering along on Attachment— my memoir around Forced Adoption and its 
consequence for mother and child and future generations. Our Steering Comittee 
have just commissioned artists to start the construction process of a large 
back granite Forced Adoptions memorial situated in the River parklands behind 
Adelaide University, which will be opened mid 2016 with an yet to be planned 
I’m loving Beastly - an experimental writing group with the very talented 
Francesca di Rimini and Ros Prosser. We write across genres and technologies, 
meet and read and talk --- challenging and nourishing.

I’ll be doing a 3 month residency mid year at Saubier House, a 1860’s farmhouse 
on an estuary of the Onkaparinga River in Port Noralunga. Situated in what was 
a culturally and resource rich Aboriginal meeting place, I’ll be writing 
directly onto/scratching into the buildings internal walls, the experience of 
dislocation and alienation and various other madnesses of a white women there 
150 years ago. 

More projects are bubbling away about art and water, refugees, interventions, 
tradition…etc. I will be setting up another studio on the far South Coast where 
hopefully I'll get time to play with actual things other than keyboards.

On the home front I’m expanding my fur family of "only cat" 5 year old Mr 
Jones, with young Gunsmoke Grey, a cheeky Korat stray who appears for dinner on 
our front verandah each night. Its a joy to see an animal who was starving have 
regular food. I’m within 2 ft of him/her now so its an ongoing process to 
touching distance.

I plan to be in Scotland, Finland, Netherlands and Denmark later in the year so 
hope to catch up with some of you.

 warm regards from one of the the hottest cities on earth
empyre forum

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