----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
    Dear Christina and to all of you, 
    I am responding quickly for now but will respond in depth more later 
    First forgive me for not updating your short bio which I copy below.
    Thank you so much for sharing your drawings and it is so wonderful for you 
to join us again.  Is there handmade paper that I see?  How amazingly lush they 
are-- especially in light of the fact that most of us have been sitting in 
front of our screens and ZOOM these past few weeks.  Please share more about 
the making of these amazingly sensuous pieces.  
    I post the link you shared 
    I also have a series of very large drawings that I am attempting to work on 
between my screened sentence of late.  I am curious to hear what other -empyre- 
subscribers are doing with their down time away from technological screen.  The 
lyrical poems you share take me away to such a different zone than this one I 
write in this afternoon.  We all need a place of centeredness.  That sounds 
rather cliché but I feel that it is more important than ever right now. 
    Updated Biography:  
    Christina McPhee is a North American mid-career visual artist of European 
descent, working in drawing, painting, and electronic media. Her map-like, 
contingent, topologic works, through low relief and tesselated forms, reflect 
on shapeshifting, intersubjectivity, and ecologies. Solo museum exhibitions 
include American University Museum in Washington, DC and Bildmuseet, Umeå, 
Sweden. Internationally, she has shown in museum exhibitions at MAMM 
(Colombia), Bildmuseet, and Thresholds Perth (Scotland); as well as documenta 
12 and Bucharest Biennial 3. American museum collections of her work include 
the ICP and Whitney Museum of American Art, Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, 
and the Sheldon Museum. She received the MAP award for performance in 2012 with 
Pamela Z for their collaborative intermedia work, Carbon Song Cycle. Born in 
Los Angeles, she lives and works in southern California. (Pronouns: she/her) 
    Renate Ferro
    Visiting Associate Professor
    Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Department of Art
    Tjaden Hall 306
    On 4/2/20, 3:34 PM, "empyre-boun...@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au on behalf 
of Christina McPhee" <empyre-boun...@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au on behalf of 
naxsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
        ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------

empyre forum

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