Reminder | GNOME Engagement Meeting Tuesday, March 13th

2018-03-12 Thread Nuritzi Sanchez
Hi All, This is a quick reminder about the GNOME Engagement team meeting on *Tuesday, 2018-13-03 (March 13th) at 15:30 UTC*. At that time, join the #engagement channel and join us via voice call. You can join the call by clicking the link below or dialing in on your phone: *Join the call:

[Debconf2018] I want to participate in Debconf2018 with GNOME Engagement Team.

2018-03-12 Thread DaeHyun Sung
Hello, I'm DaeHyun Sung(성대현,成大鉉). I'm GNOME Foundation member in Seoul, Korean. Also GNOME Korean Translator & Contributor. Last year, I attended GNOME Asia 2018 Chongqing First time, as GNOME Foundation Member. Now, I’m preparing to present LibreOffice’s Korea Language session on LibreOffice