
We would like to do some promo for this year's GUADEC beyond the
"usual" channels: places like local universities, hackspaces and
co-working spaces. A poster would be great for some of these.

I've come up with initial content & layout for a poster and am
interested in feedback on it.

We're also looking for someone who can take this from "ascii art" to
"actual nice poster", probably based on the design here:

I've put the content into an Etherpad here:

A couple of comments/thoughts.

 * I based the content items mainly on the schedules from the previous
2 years. In the final poster we could use logos of various
technologies instead of just listing names, it might look better
 * I'm aware it's full of words -- I think it's better to focus on
attracting a small number of people who will be genuinely interested
in what's happening at GUADEC, than a large number of people who don't
know what to expect and might decide they're not actually interested
when they get there. We have a limit on how many folk can reasonably
attend, after all. So giving a lot of specifics in the poster seems
like a win.
 * Will people be able to come to the newcomers workshops without
registering for the conference? What about the unconference days?
 * Including sponsors: there's a timing issue here with confirming
sponsors vs. actually printing the posters, so it may or may not be
worth including. However I think it's win/win if we can list sponsors
because the sponsors get exposure, and people looking at the poster
can see there's commercial interest in GUADEC.

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