On 25.05.18 19:44, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Hi Patrick--
> thanks for your response on this!
> On Fri 2018-05-25 08:51:21 +0200, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>> I cannot see a way out of this. Moreover, it's likely that OpenPGP.js
>> will be used more in the future, because the native JavaScript API is
>> _much_ simpler than calling Gnupg.
> it might be simpler for enigmail to use (i can see that!), but it's not
> free software if we can't get all of the dependencies built from source.
> And unfortunately, i can't seem to do that without allowing arbitrary
> network access, or adding at least a dozen dependencies that i'm not
> prepared to maintain in debian myself :/

Let's be fair ;). OpenPGP.js is LGPL, which is considered open source.
The fact that Debian cannot handle the way that OpenPGP.js is built does
not make it (or Enigmail) less open source, but is primarily a
Debian-issue. I agree that it would be nicer if Enigmail were to build
OpenPGP.js by itself, but just like you: I don't have the capacity for this.

>> Enigmail currently relies on OpenPGP.js for quite a number of things
>> where either output from GnuPG is insufficient, or the operation is much
>> more complicated to perform with GnuPG than with OpenPGP.js, or the
>> operation is not supported by GnuPG at all.
> It would be really helpful to me to try to enumerate the things that are
> explicitly not supported.

Many Autocrypt-related functions are not fully supported by GnuPG:

1. creating the Autocrypt header: the key is specified to contain
exactly one UID one public/signing key and one encryption key. There is
no function in GnuPG to extract this from a key. Users that have many
UIDs or many subkeys keys cannot use Autocrypt with GnuPG because the
header gets too long. See https://sourceforge.net/p/enigmail/bugs/731/

2. Using GnuPG, you cannot guarantee that the Autocrypt Setup Message
(ASM) is encrypted with a specific password. See https://dev.gnupg.org/T3277

3. You cannot check the packet list with GnuPG (which is again required
before importing the ASM. Werner repeats that --list-packets is not
meant for productive tools.

> It'd be really great if there was a test suite that could exercise all
> the expected functionality, so i could be sure my changes don't breaking
> them.  do you have anything like such a suite that i could piggyback on?

Run the unit tests in package. I think that almost everything covered by
tests, except for the ASM.

> I'll be building an OpenPGP.js-free version of enigmail so that i can
> ensure enigmail is present in debian, but would be happy to revert to a
> version with OpenPGP.js if we can sort out how to get it built rather
> than just copying a pre-built artifact!
>> OpenPGP.js is currently involved in the following functions (I'm not
>> sure that this is a complete list):
>> - importing public and secret keys
>> - interpreting keys in Autocrypt headers
>> - creating minified keys for Autocrypt headers
>> - creating and processing Autocrypt Setup Messages
> Thanks, this is a good start.  I'll be working through these one by one
> -- some features might have to be cut initially to get this shipped
> soon, but even if i cut them for now i hope to add them back in before
> too long.
>> A possible workaround could be to offer downloading a prepared version
>> of OpenPGP.js from a web service (obviously in a way that is acceptable
>> for Debian, i.e. first ask the user for consent).
> hm, DFSG software needs to pass the "desert island" test:
>    https://wiki.debian.org/DesertIslandTest
> If enigmail is unusable without OpenPGP.js, then either (a) we need
> OpenPGP.js in debian, or (b) enigmail should be moved out of debian :/
> Or, maybe enigmail is usable in a sensible way without OpenPGP.js?

Enigmail is still usable in a sensible way without OpenPGP.js, and this
will remain for quite a while. You'd need to cut off some parts, but
these are not core functions. Probably the only exception is importing
of keys, which would need some re-thoughts.

> sorry to be forcing the issue -- i'm just at my limit in terms of what i
> can reliably support in the free software ecosystem, and OpenPGP.js
> appears to be the straw that is breaking the camel's back, as it were.
> i'd love it if we could find a clean way to resolve this!


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