
If you don't know, Exalt is a network manager front end write in ETK. Currently
Exalt support only Debian & Gentoo (configuration files are not same on others
distribution). Exalt work on others distributions but you can't save the
configuration & use encryption as WPA. If you want test Exalt, follow this

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/exalt co exalt
cd exalt/libexalt
sudo make install
cd ../exalt
sudo make install

I have 2 questions about the devellopement.

Create a daemon or no ?
- create a daemon launched by root to modify the network configuration. With
this method, the root password is not necessary but it's not secure.
- no daemon, the application will ask the password.

Only an e-module?
- create only an e-module to configure the network. Problems: we can't ask the
password, so we need a daemon. E-widgets are simple.
-  keep the current ETK application & write a module with some informations as
wireless network list (root password will not necessary). The module launch the
ETK application and ask the password.

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