Attached is a final version of the imlib2 rgbadraw
work that I've sent recently.
        Here, I've fixed all remaining issues that I had
with polygon drawing/filling and cleaned things up overall.
        Various further improvements could certainly still
be done (assembly versions of the 'span' blending functions,
better clipping optimizations, etc.), but for now I will
leave this as is.

        Some of the highlights of this work:

        1)  Aliased/anti-aliased versions of all geometric
figure drawing/filling, with all blending ops.

        2)  Fast, correct, C implementations of all image
blending and figure blending 'span' functions.

        3)  Fast, integer-based figure generating functions,
with good visual quality (the blending to dst images can
be made faster by writing suitable assembly versions of
the 'span' funcions).

        4)  More modular re-structuring of files for easier
maintenance, further improvements, other implementations, etc.

        5)  Has been extensively tested and checked by a
large team of MS "software engineers" !!

        From 5, it follows that nothing here has been tested
or checked in any real way, so you're on your own if you
want to try any of this..  but feel free to do as you wish
with it :)


PS.     No diffs are included, only the source files.

Attachment: imlib2_rgbadraw_final.tgz
Description: Binary data

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