On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 22:11 +0200, Kim Woelders wrote:
> Dan D Niles wrote:
> > 
> > Bummer.  Fvwm added a desktop context to deal with file managers.  Are
> > there any plans to add a desktop context or something similar?
> > 
> If you mean if e16 is going to provide easily configurable desktop 
> icons, the answer is "probably not". e16 is a WM. e17 will give you a 
> full desktop environment.
> You can of course run nautilus with --no-desktop (can also be configured 
> permanently with gconf-editor), and it won't cover your root, but you 
> won't have the nautilus desktop icons either.
> You can also make the nautilus desktop window not-sticky, and it will 
> only occupy one of your desks.

No, I just mean provide a way that you can bind mouse clicks in the
desktop window to actions, such as opening up a menu.  

> >> There should be default keybindings for that (Alt-Shift-Left/Right/...).
> >
> > Yes, left and right are bound, but not up and down.  It is the two
> > dimensional movement I'm looking to duplicate.  Just using previous and
> > next takes too long when using 10 desktops.
> > 
> All four keybindings Alt-Shift-Left/Right/Up/Down are by default set by 
> e16 to do what you want. If the Up/Down ones don't work for you, either 
> you are not using a default configuration or some other app has grabbed 
> those key combinations.

Using the default keybindings that came with Ubuntu, Up and Down are
bound to __A_RAISE and __A_LOWER respectively.  I don't have
enlightenment running at the moment, but I believe those functions
change the stacking order of windows rather than changing desktops.
I did not see a way, by looking at the source, to go down a desktop,
which in my case would be going from say desktop 2 to desktop 7 or 4 to

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