Florent Thiery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Small question: which options in the focus config menu would be
> equivalent to window$'s focus policy? After 10 years using this
> *crappy* thing, i must say i'm completely addicted to it's focus
> policy, but i don't manage to tune this in e17...

I'm using the following settings and I think they're pretty


$er -focus-setting-set NEW_WINDOW
$er -focus-policy-set CLICK

$er -winlist-warp-while-selecting-set 0
$er -winlist-warp-at-end-set 0

It basically makes the mouse stay where it is when switching windows,
and focusses all new windows.

Another thing: could you please start a new thread instead of replying
to an old thread when your message has nothing to do with that thread?

See for your self here at Gmane how your message ends up together with
the "E17 segfaulting..." thread, even though your focus problems are


Simply send a new mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of
replying should be enough. If you save the list address in your
addressbook this shouldn't be much more trouble than replying to an
old message in an old thread.

Martin Geisler                                     GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

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