                            "Adopt the pace of nature:
                             her secret is patience."
                                   Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello fellow Terminology enthusiasts!

With 95 new commits, Terminology 1.6.0 is ready.  It packs UI
 improvements around tabs and splits, a welcome wizard to adjust the
 scaling factor, translation updates and its load of fixes.  During
 development of this release, Terminology's Twitter account
 @_Terminology_ was created.

== Additions ==
    * Show title tab on splits, depending on configuration
    * Show tabs that had a bell rang and had not been focused
    * Add wizard on new configuration to set scaling
    * Add scale configuration in the Settings panel
    * Add Polish translation

== Improvements ==
    * Themes: make tab title readable based on theme default colors
    * Move the tab selector on the tab line
    * Be able to select and copy tabs
    * Better handle stalled unix socket when using one terminology with
      multiple instances
    * Change `typop` behavior to queue files in case there are multiple
      files to look at
    * Update Italian translation

== Fixes ==
    * Fix live selections in the scrollback
    * Fix unticking `auto-hide cursor` not working
    * Fix memory leaks related to looking for links under the mouse
    * Ensure Terminology compiles with `EFL-1.20`
    * Fix link detection over spaces
    * Fix tab selector no longer taking into account the new destination
    * Fix crash when using `typop` with multiple files
    * No longer set environment variable `DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID` as it may
      no longer be accurate
    * Allow tabs to be pasted

The tarball can be found at :
  - https://downloads.terminolo.gy/terminology-1.6.0.tar.xz

Happy compiling! ( https://xkcd.com/303/ )
Boris Faure
Pointer Arithmetician

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