#7: Policy and technical means for removing orphaned packages in EPEL
 Reporter:  smooge          |      Owner:  epel-wranglers
     Type:  task            |     Status:  new
 Priority:  major           |  Milestone:
Component:  Policy problem  |    Version:
 Keywords:                  |
 Fedora ESCO has set a policy that packages that have been orphaned will be
 automatically removed after 6 weeks from channels. till has been working
 on a set of scripts to give proper notice of these orphaned packages and
 the chain of dependencies so that other packagers can be prepared for
 either taking up the package or their own package not working.

 It was wondered if we should look at doing this in EPEL as we have had a
 sort of policy on doing this but not a formal one. It was decided at the
 2014-10-03 meeting to set up the scripts for reporting problems and then
 seeing how big a hole we are in before doing any sort of auto-removal.
 Further discussion is to be in this ticket and future meetings.

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/epel/ticket/7>
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