#epel: EPEL (2014-08-29)

Meeting started by smooge at 16:00:13 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* meet and greets  (smooge, 16:01:04)

* meet and greets  (smooge, 16:01:31)

* Agenda  (smooge, 16:04:22)
  * 1) Meet and Greets  (smooge, 16:04:38)
  * 2) Agenda  (smooge, 16:04:45)
  * 3) EPEL 7 out of beta  (smooge, 16:04:54)
  * 4) EPEL.<stuff> discussion  (smooge, 16:05:06)
  * 5) Open Flood  (smooge, 16:05:17)
  * 6) End meeting  (smooge, 16:05:24)

* EPEL 7 out of beta  (smooge, 16:05:37)
  * Bodhi needs to get some work done still  (smooge, 16:07:20)
  * updates do not work correctly yet but will soon.  (smooge, 16:07:31)

* EPEL.<stuff> discussion  (smooge, 16:17:22)
  * ACTION: Jeff_S and dgilmore and others to discuss .rpmsave issue
    (smooge, 16:20:11)
  * AGREED: EPEL short term governance team members: smooge, nirik,
    dgilmore, and Evolution  (smooge, 16:29:35)
  * moving discussion of governance structure and policy to mailing
    list. Votes to finalize anything that feels need a vote will be next
    weeks meeting  (smooge, 16:49:13)

* Open Flood.  (smooge, 16:49:47)
  * ACTION: Add time in testing to policy discussion on mailing list
    (smooge, 16:57:59)

* Thanks for coming everyone. See you on the list.  (smooge, 17:13:57)

Meeting ended at 17:14:12 UTC.

Action Items
* Jeff_S and dgilmore and others to discuss .rpmsave issue
* Add time in testing to policy discussion on mailing list

Action Items, by person
* dgilmore
  * Jeff_S and dgilmore and others to discuss .rpmsave issue
* Jeff_S
  * Jeff_S and dgilmore and others to discuss .rpmsave issue
  * Add time in testing to policy discussion on mailing list

People Present (lines said)
* smooge (97)
* Jeff_S (43)
* dgilmore (42)
* nirik (33)
* kbsingh (31)
* maxamillion (26)
* avij (8)
* bstinson (6)
* zodbot (3)
* orionp (2)
* Ussat (1)

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Minutes (text):

Stephen J Smoogen.
epel-devel mailing list

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