This is just a last-minute plea, given that the proposal freeze is apparently imminent: could the committee please reserve a slot for solving the "readable monadic coding in Javascript" issue - it needs no semantic changes, only syntax, and combining technical aspects of existing proposal might be sufficient, but none of the existing proposals alone seems sufficient to address this problem (nor is that that aim of the existing proposals):

-  monadic programming is a modular variant of cps-style code,
which allows to define purpose-build control structures from the ground up, starting with composing two statements/blocks
   together while binding variables in the second to results from
   the first;

   since the committee is already familiar with the ideas of object
   and value proxies, it might help to think of monads and their
   relatives as control structure proxies; they allow to define
   variants of control structures that are or would need to be
built-in to Javascript (not just loops and conditionals, but break/continue/exceptions/backtracking search/..) while providing a uniform look and feel for control structures adapted to different problem domains (be it asynchronous code, parsers, constraint programming, workflows, ..);

it is technically possible to use monadic programming in Javascript, so no semantic extensions are necessary, but when the nested callbacks (one per line of proxied code) that are typical for this style are translated to Javascript syntax, the
   results are cumbersome enough to nullify any readability
   advantages - the essence of code is buried in syntactic noise;

   this issue is well-known, has been blogged about in several
application contexts (not limited to asynchronous code), and has even attracted implementations of a large variety of libraries and pre-processors; in this, the situation is similar to module loaders, both in the unhelpful (for reuse) divergence of styles and in the fact that libraries alone cannot solve the issue; the idea would be to reduce the need for pre-processing, giving library-based approaches a better chance; preferably,
   by making the syntax for function definitions and calls simple
enough to keep nested callback chains readable; if that doesn't work out, special monad notation could be considered;

Relation to existing proposals/previous discussion:

- block lambdas, though they allow to make single callbacks
   to higher-order functions look like language structures,
thereby supporting the re-definition of some complex control structures, do not help with user-defined control structures built from smaller building blocks (variable
   binding, statement composition) - they do not reduce
   the amount of brace nesting for nested callback chains,
   although they do aim to reduce the parenthesis nesting
   of function calls;

- arrow functions, especially the implicit expression return
   part, would be a step towards simpler function and callback
   definitions, but that does not quite suffice, function calls
   also need to be simplified (nested callback chains consist
   of alternating function definitions and function calls);

- if block_lambdas make it into ES/next, it would be possible
   to rescue the simple part of arrow functions (expression
   return) - since block_lambdas include blocks as expressions,
with unambiguous new syntax, the block bodies of the arrow syntax proposal could be dropped, leaving a lightweight syntax proposal;

The block lambda proposal includes paren-free calls, while
the arrow function proposal includes paren-free definitions.
Whichever of the two proposals wins, if the combination of
paren-free calls and paren-free definitions, for the subcase
of expression-returning functions, can make it into ES/next,
the situation for monadic programming patterns would be
improved significantly.

Before arrow functions and block lambdas, I tried to outline
the problems of nested parentheses and braces that result
from nested callbacks, with some suggestions toward a
solution (moving parens and braces outward, where they
may become optional in the usage contexts typical for nested
callback chains - similar to what happens in arrow syntax, but also for function calls) - see my 8th of April message in the thread "Flattening syntactic tail nests (paren-free, continued)".
Those suggestions are more awkward than I'd like, the '@'
symbol is apparently wanted elsewhere, and the syntax would need to be worked out in the context of ES grammar. But either those suggestions or the combination of the syntax aspects of block lambdas and arrow functions could serve as a placeholder for a proper solution, in view of the deadline. The placeholder would be separate from the specific proposals of block lambdas and arrow functions, and could be accepted with a tentative status, subject to it being clarified by the time the other proposals settle down.

If there turns out to be no way to solve the issue, which is

   Function definition and call syntax that enables
   readable coding of monadic programming patterns

satisfactorily in JS, by the time the finished proposals get
integrated in the new spec, the placeholder proposal could be dropped and forwarded to ES/next/next, but if a solution can be worked out in time, based on existing material, it would be sad if it foundered on the proposal deadline.


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