On Sat 04 May 2019 at 12:48, Chris Wallace <ce...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:

>> Instead of uncommenting those lines, passing t to executable-find’s
>> second argument should work. Can you check if this solves your issue?
>> (unless  (executable-find inferior-ess-r-program t)
>>    (display-warning 'ess (format"%s could not be found on the
>> system. Try running `R-newest' instead, which searches your system
>> for R."  inferior-ess-r-program):error)
>>    (user-error  "%s program not found"  inferior-ess-r-program))
> Then I get "Wrong number of arguments: (1 . 1), 2"
> My emacs-version is 26.1 - should I try installing a newer version?

Ah, apparently that's a new feature of executable-find. We'll have to
rely on an older trick and just check if ess-directory is remote:

(unless  (or (file-remote-p ess-directory)
             (executable-find inferior-ess-r-program))
  (display-warning 'ess (format "%s could not be found on the system. Try 
running `R-newest' instead, which searches your system for R."  
inferior-ess-r-program) :error)
  (user-error  "%s program not found"  inferior-ess-r-program))

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