Hey everyone.  I recently joined the list because I have dabbled with Ethereal and 
like what is has to offer. So much flexibility! :) 
I am a Network Engineer for a company who owns a Fluke Optiview (with Protocol Expert 
for opening captures).  Another company I worked for a few years back we started on a 
NG Dolch running DOS, and by the time I had left the company we were on Sniffer 3.5 
for Windows NT.  I've had a decent amount of experience with the expensive tools and 
never felt the need to try anything else.  I rarely work with operating systems, so 
I've never had much need or desire to get in to Linux, BSD, or a commercial Unix, and 
therefore dealt very little with the open source community - ultimately have little 
exposure to applicaitons such as Ethereal.  
I'd like to change all of that.  I do use Windows 2000 day to day for my standard 
applications at work like Outlook, Visio, Office XP, and I'm not sure if I'd switch to 
Linux or BSD just yet, but I will most likely load it on another machine for sure.  
The questions I have are in regards to using Ethereal for things like finding top 
talkers.  When the SQL Slammer hit the company I work for, I was able to look at a 
view in Sniffer and list it in the order of what machines are spitting out the most 
packets.  It was obvious at that point what SQL servers and desktops (running MSDE) 
were infected.  Is there such a thing in Ethereal?  Also, is there a way to create 
filters to trigger alerts or emails when a match is found?  
There is another great program (for Windows) called Sniff'em that is inexpensive and 
highly customizable.  As of right now the documentation is lacking but aside from that 
it's useful.  I'm a little disappointed that Sniffer Pro sells for $16,000 JUST FOR 
THE SOFTWARE.  The Fluke I use at work can get the job done, but the Optiview is a 
$20,000 little yellow PC with Windows 98 and a couple NICs.  The remote console and 
Protocol Expert software is ugly, not very intuitive, and I would personally never 
spend that kind of money on such a program.  
These days it's hard to justify spending so much money when there truly are tools out 
there that work just as well or better.  A great example is that one would have to buy 
Sniffer Pro for $16,000 (software only) plus any hardware taps you want, and if you 
want Sniffer for 802.11 that is anoter few grand.  Sheesh!  
Anyway, I thank you all for reading.  I'm trying to be fair to myself and explore 
everything Ethereal has to offer.  It seems very powerful and I would love to use it 
in a pro-active manner.  Please feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, or 
anything else - on the list or in private email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks! :)

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