For those of you who use DemoLinux the box the had the problem had a Cyrix 150 chip.  I would be interested in hearing if anyone had bad experiences with demolinux and other non AMD or Intel chips.
  The box I was using already had missing registry files so I did not destroy a working system. The disks were still accessible by using bootable floppies or CD's.  While not strictly linux some might find this helpful if the have a hung Linux install.
Jim K
----- Original Message -----
From: jfk321
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 10:24 PM
Subject: [EUG-LUG:188] undoing damage from Demolinux

I booted demolinux on a win98 box. It froze while defining a file system in RAM. I did a reboot and cannot access the windows drive under windows or dos.
  Norton emergency utilities recognizes the disk and the directories on the disk. I suspect the partition table or boot record may be messed up, but am not sure where to start. I am currently limited to
e-mail for internet access. It wasn't my machine and we need to recover several files if possible from it. Does anybody have any ideas where to start?
Jim K

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